Your antenatal appointments
Your antenatal appointments
While you're pregnant you'll have regular antenatal appointments with a midwife or an obstetrician. These are important as they will check the health of you and your baby. It's important to attend these appointments as any problems can be picked up and it’s a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.
See more information about your antenatal appointments:
- your antenatal appointments from the NHS
- Humber and Yorkshire antenatal service and classes
- York hospitals maternity service
The York and Scarborough NHS maternity service is now using Badger Notes, an electronic system aimed at giving mothers more access to and control of their pregnancy records and care notes.
The Healthy Child Service antenatal review contact
The health visiting team is here to help you and your family.
The healthy child service will make contact, once your midwife has told us that you're expecting a baby, usually after you're 28 weeks pregnant. This contact will be a telephone call or a letter with useful information.
If you have any questions or worries, you can call the Healthy Child Service telephone: 01904 555475 (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm) or email: [email protected].
This is an opportunity for you and your family to get to know the Healthy Child Service and support we offer.
If you or your midwife think you need more support, the heath visitor will talk to you about how we can best offer this.
For more information about the Healthy Child Service and how the service can support you and your baby once your baby after your baby is born visit our Healthy Child Service pages.