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Latest news for young people

Latest news for young people

Find out more here about the latest news affecting Young People in York:

Learn Joinery skills and gain City and Guilds accreditation Monday 13 January to Friday 24 January 2025. You can attend on a flexible basis, but it must be a minimum of 3 days to gain accreditation. Support with travel and lunch costs available. To book, email: [email protected]. Find out more on the Volunteer it Yourself website.

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This drop in will not be a crisis service or a youth club but where a young person can go away feeling like they have been listened to and helped find the right support for them in York. The aim of the drop is to support you to find what services are available and most appropriate to you in York or give you some tips whilst you might be on a waiting list. Find out more on YorMinds website.

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Our College specialises in supporting Neurodivergent young people through their creative studies. We understand anxiety.

As we know, September isn't always the right start date!

For many reasons sometimes our young people need a Spring start.

We're still enrolling for our Art and Digital Art programme - ENGAGE at the Yorkshire Museum.

Students can study 4 or 5 days per week with us (10.00am to 2.00pm).

You can book a taster day with Pinc College.

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No appointment necessary. All under 18s are welcome.

Every Tuesday from 4.00pm to 6.30pm. At

Monkgate Health Centre, 31-35 Monkgate, York, YO31 7PB.

Aged 17 or under

You can also text the service on telephone: 07973 775692 to make an appointment Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 3.30pm.

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Find information on NHS careers including NHS apprenticeships.

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Reminder that Yormind website and Chit Chat podcast is here for you!

The Yormind website is designed specifically for young people in York and features a wealth of information about mental health conditions and misconceptions, mental health services and their referral processes and whether they are accepting new referrals.

The Chit Chat podcast is a new podcast that has real conversations with young people from York about their mental health, their struggles, when and where they got help and how they managed their mental health on a daily basis.

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Thank you to everyone who took part in our online website consultation. We will now review your feedback and let you know our responses and actions in the below You Said, We Did.

What you say really makes a difference. Don't just take our word for it see what has changed as a result of young people telling us what they think.

You said We did
It would be better if there was a more meaningful photo used for the drugs, alcohol and addiction thumbnail. We used a more meaningful photo.
The website is difficult to navigate because there are too many topics in some sections. We revised the thumbnails on the home page to help split up topics and changed page layouts, so the user can expand to find out more information.
You asked for information on Money matters. We have updated the website to include information on Money Matters, including Budgeting, money problems and debt, tax and pensions, banking and credit

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