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A place of your own

A place of your own

There are different options depending on your circumstances and what you’re ready to do.

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If you have had to leave home and you’re not ready to live independently straightaway, supported housing schemes are an option.

You'll have a worker who will look at your support needs with you. How quickly you move on will depend partly on how well you’re managing. How well you’re managing will depend on, for example, your practical skills, if you pay rent or rent contributions on time, your behaviour. There is usually a waiting list for supported accommodation. Find out more about hostels and supported housing in York.

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To apply for a council home in York you need to join the York-only Housing Register. You need to meet certain criteria to be eligible to join the Housing Register.

Before you apply for a council house, check:

In York, most local Housing Associations are part of the York Lettings Partnership. Apply for a council property online.

Please note: Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust is separate from the York Lettings Partnerships and you’ll need to apply for this service separately. They share an application form and housing policy which covers most of North Yorkshire. To apply you'll need a local connection to the partnership area.

When you apply your housing situation and personal circumstances will be verified and will be used to decide which priority band you’re in for housing. The bands are:

  • emergency
  • gold
  • silver
  • bronze (the lowest priority)

If you have any housing debt to a council or Housing Association, this can affect your application, as can your income level and past behaviour.

You must tell Housing Registrations if your circumstances have changed as it can affect your application; especially if you change address. You should also tell them the following:

  • if you’re being asked to leave, or have been given Notice to Quit, or someone moves in or out of the place you’re living
  • if the place where you live is making you ill or affecting your mental health and about any medical conditions or disability
  • if you've had a child

Find more information about applying for a council property.

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For information about renting and your rights the government have provided a renting guide booklet. Landlords must now give a copy of this booklet to new tenants.

Accommodation in York is in high demand and as a result it can be expensive. Lodging with someone (where you live with your landlord or have living space with them) can be more friendly, though as a lodger you have fewer rights than as a tenant.

You'll usually have to pay rent in advance and a bond or deposit. A bond or deposit is money that you get back at the end of the tenancy if nothing is damaged or missing. The landlord must pay this into a 'Tenancy Deposit Scheme' although this doesn't apply to resident landlords. If you cannot afford what they ask, try negotiating with what money you have. It's probably better to do this face-to-face so they can meet you rather than on the phone.

City of York Council's Housing Options Team have a Bond Guarantee Scheme. They can help people on low income to get private rented accommodation by guaranteeing the bond or deposit to the landlord. This is not paid in cash but is a written guarantee promising to pay if needed. They can also pay rent in advance to secure the tenancy. You’ll need to get housing advice first and give proof of your income.

If you rent from a self-contained flat or house or room in a shared house (not as a lodger) you should be given an 'Assured Short hold Tenancy' from your landlord. Even if you are not given anything in writing you still have legal rights as well as responsibilities.

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Living away from home means you'll be responsible for bills, rent and food. Depending on your situation, you might not be entitled to benefits that help with these costs which would mean you'd need to pay for this yourself. You can check if you're entitled to any financial support using a benefits calculators.

Depending on where you move, you might need to buy furniture or essentials when you first move in. Looking in charity shops and second-hand websites can help you find things cheaply. York Community Furniture Store stock a range of household furniture and white goods that are discounted for people on low incomes.

You should know your rights. Whether you can legally move out depends on your age but you also have the right to be safe no matter where you're staying.

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If things are getting difficult at home, get information and support as early as possible.

City of York Council's Housing Options Team can offer advice and information about your housing options, homelessness and homeless prevention. They will look at your circumstances and discuss the options available to you. They may mediate with friends and family on your behalf to prevent you becoming homeless, whilst other options are explored. They will not force you to return to somewhere if they consider it unsafe.

If you're homeless, you may be referred to a hostel or supported accommodation. This might not be straightaway; they will look at other options with you such as Nightstop or an emergency hostel bed until then. They may have a duty to put you in emergency temporary accommodation instead whilst they make further investigations about your situation, or while you're waiting for another option.

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If you have to leave home you should:

  • try to take all important papers with you such as your birth certificate, passport, National Insurance Number, driving licence, bank card, medical card, address book, benefit papers
  • pack only essential clothes and toiletries - you may have to carry your stuff around. Take your mobile phone and charger and any medication you take. You can get the rest of your things later if you can't take it now
  • save as much money as you can in advance
  • get advice early in the day and preferably early in the week. A lot of the places that can help you are only open in office hours and not at weekends

If you’re still in education, training or out of work you will need to find out about any benefits you may be entitled to as soon as possible. If you’re making a new claim, it may take a while before you get any money.

If you want to let someone know you are safe, contact Missing People, who can pass on a message for you without saying where you are.

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Contact City of York Council's Housing Options Team if you're homeless or about to become homeless (or kicked out) and you, or someone who lives with you are:

  • pregnant, or responsible for children
  • aged 16 or 17 years old
  • vulnerable because of physical disability, learning difficulty, mental health problem or some other special need or circumstance

Tell them about your circumstances such as medical or mental health problems, or if you're escaping violence or abuse. You should also tell them if you have spent time being 'looked after' by Social Services or have been in prison, on remand or in the armed forces, no matter for how long.

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If you're aged 16 or 17 and need support, contact the Youth Homeless Workers. They have a duty to investigate your situation and the council may have to find you emergency accommodation while they do this. If you're 16 but still officially school age for example, in Year 11 and before the end of June, they will put you in touch with a social worker instead, as they will not be able to refer you to any of the supported accommodation options.

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If you're aged 15 or under the law says you cannot live alone. You also cannot be referred to a hostel or supported accommodation and you cannot claim benefits or work full time.

Your main options are:

  • to get help sorting out things with your parents. If you don't have someone who can help contact MASH on telephone: 01904 551900 or email: [email protected]
  • to live with someone else - another family member or friend's parents. If you plan to spend more than 28 days living with someone who is not close family, then Children's Social Care (MASH) must be told so that they can make an assessment about your safety and that you will be cared for

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There are a range of services that can help with your housing circumstances, in addition to the ones already mentioned. You can search for Housing and Homelessness support services online.

You can also contact Young People's Survival Guide by:

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