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Having positive relationships helps support mental health and wellbeing. Relationships can be good or bad. We all have them: family, friends, workmates, schoolteachers, classmates, people you live with, hang around with and even the people you try and avoid! But what makes a good relationship?

Relationships are not always perfect; it's quite normal to have disagreements, but there are some things everyone deserves to ensure a happy and healthy life. Communication is key to any good relationship. If communication has broken down it can be useful to talk to someone else. 

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Find information about what services are available to help you.

Bullying is all too common. It can happen to anyone at any age. Bullying is when someone deliberately hurts you and usually happens over time. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve:

  • verbal bullying such as calling you names
  • emotional bullying such as teasing you, talking about you, leaving you out, harassment
  • physical bullying such as pushing you, hitting you
  • cyber-bullying such as text message, Facebook, email

No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it, you can talk to someone about it. You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. If you're being bullied it is sometimes difficult to know what to do.

Talk it over with someone you trust. You might not be ready to tackle it but it can help you decide what you would like to happen.

Whatever you do, don't just put up with it. Though it isn't always easy to tackle the bullies, there are laws to protect you, whether you are in school, online or at work. By keeping silent, you are doing what the bully wants and protecting them.

Where to go to get help if you're being bullied

You can talk to any adult in your school about bullying.

You can ring Childline on telephone: 0800 11 11 and you can talk to them about anything that has upset you or makes you worry.

Online advice and support is available, please refer to suggested websites below:

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Domestic abuse can affect anyone. It is an incident or pattern of behaviour which is controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent, including sexual violence. In the majority of cases it is by a partner or ex-partner and it can happen at any point in a relationship, including after you have split up. Sometimes it can also be a family member or carer who is carrying out this behaviour. Domestic abuse is very common and is never the fault of the person who is experiencing it. Domestic abuse is a crime.

Get help and support

If you're experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse it can be difficult to seek help and support. Often people feel scared to tell someone, especially if they are fearful of any consequences that might ensue. It is important to remember that you're not to blame.

If you're in immediate danger call the Police on telephone: 999 and try to get to a safe place.

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) have lots of useful information on their website including information to help you decide whether the relationship you are in is a good, healthy relationship.  You can call them for advice and support on telephone: 03000 110110  or email: [email protected]. They also have a free and confidential 24 hour helpline on telephone: 0808 2000 247.

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If you have been sexually assaulted, whether as an adult or a young person, it's important to remember that it wasn't your fault. Sexual violence is a crime, no matter who commits it or where it happens. Don't be afraid to get help.

A sexual assault is any sexual act that a person did not consent to, or is forced into against their will. It's a form of sexual violence and includes rape (an assault involving penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth), or other sexual offences, such as groping, forced kissing, child sexual abuse, or the torture of a person in a sexual manner.

If you're in immediate danger call the Police on telephone: 999 and try to get to a safe place.

If you're not in immediate danger you can call the Police on telephone: 101 to report a rape or sexual assault.

Get help and support

Find help after rape and sexual assault. This page has lots of information and support about what to do and where to get help if you have been sexually assaulted.

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by sexual violence. You can call them for advice and support telephone: 03000 110 110 or email: [email protected]. They also have a free and confidential 24-hour helpline on telephone: 0808 2000 247.

Bridge House SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) offers free support and practical help to anyone in North Yorkshire who has ​experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse. They offer medical, practical and emotional support and have specially trained doctors, nurses and support workers to care for you.​ If you would like to speak to someone, they are available on ​telephone: 0330 223 0362 or email: [email protected].

SurvivorsUK runs the National Male Survivors Online Helpline – a webchat and SMS service for men, boys and non-binary people who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in their lives. Thier specialist support team can chat with you for up to 45 minutes per day by webchat or text (SMS) on telephone: 020 3322 1860.

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Spiking is when alcohol or drugs have been put in your drink without your knowledge or permission. There is also some concern that people are also now being ‘spiked’ by needles or syringes containing drugs.

If your drink has been spiked or you've been injected with an unknown substance, and you think you've been sexually assaulted contact the Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) for specialist care and support.

If you've been spiked but have not been sexually assaulted, call telephone: 111 for urgent medical advice if you have any symptoms you're worried about. Also, contact the police to tell them what happened.

The Talk to Frank website provides more information and advice on spiking.

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There are many services offering support by a range of methods including text, face-to-face, telephone and email.

Find out more information on services providing emotional health and wellbeing support using our online directory. The service directory has details of organisations that provide information about services for young people. Find services to support with emotional health and wellbeing; online safety; LGBTQ+ and sexuality; eating disorders, sexual health and more. All sexual health services are completely confidential. The services listed will not give information about you to anyone else without your permission, unless there is a serious risk to your (or someone elses), health.

 Alternatively, get in touch with the Young People Information Service and we'll try and help you find support.

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