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Basic baby care

Basic baby care

What happens in the first few years of a child’s life can shape their whole life.

As a parent, you will have many questions and will probably spend a large part of the first few days after birth getting to know your babies and what they need.

If you notice anything that worries you about your baby, however small, speak to your health professional.

Where to go for further information

The NHS website has a quick guide to everything you need to know about caring for your new baby during those exhausting but wonderful early weeks. Start for Life also offers its email programme. The emails give NHS advice and support, tailored to the stage of a mother’s pregnancy or baby's age. The personalised emails have been created to support mums, parents and carers throughout pregnancy and parenthood. Sign up for Start for Life emails.

The NHS also has tips on getting to know your newborn baby.

The Institute of Health Visitors has information on getting to know your baby and parenting tips.

Where to go for support in York

Midwives and Health visitors can provide information on basic baby care.

Contact the Healthy Child Service on telephone: 01904 555475 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, or on email: [email protected].

You can find out more about York Hospital Maternity Services by visiting the York Hospital website, or by calling telephone: 01904 726720.

Your GP service is available for you to visit and talk to on the phone. Book appointments online using their surgery website or call them.