Steps to safer recruitment
Steps to safer recruitment
Follow these steps to make sure that you recruit only the most suitable candidates to work with children and young people.
Before you release your post ensure that:
- you have an up-to-date recruitment and selection policy that describes the process and roles before you begin
- your organisation has a safeguarding policy and that a statement about the organisation’s commitment to safeguarding is included in all recruitment and selection materials
- you have an up-to-date job description and person specification for the role(s) you wish to recruit to, that have been agreed with the Recruiting Manager
- you have an appropriate advertisement prepared, that contains all necessary information about the role, timetable for recruitment and your commitment to safeguarding
- you have compiled a suitable candidate information pack containing all the required information about the organisation, role, recruitment timetable, safeguarding policy or statement and application form
Before you interview ensure that:
- each application received is scrutinised in a systematic way by the shortlisting panel in order to agree your shortlist before sending invitations to interview
- all appropriate checks have been undertaken on your shortlisted candidates, including references and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) checks
- all shortlisted candidates receive the same letter of invitation to interview, supplying them with all necessary information
Before you select your preferred candidate ensure that:
- a face-to-face interview is conducted for all shortlisted candidates based on an objective assessment of the candidate’s ability to meet the person specification and job description
- all specific questions designed to gain required information about each candidate’s suitability have been asked, including those needed to address any gaps in information supplied in the application form
Before you formally appoint ensure that:
- you can make a confident selection of a preferred candidate, based upon their demonstration of suitability for the role
- your preferred candidate is informed that the offer of employment (including volunteer positions) is conditional on receiving satisfactory information from all necessary checks