Working with children, young people and families
Working with children, young people and families
York Family Information Service is a free and impartial information service. The service is for any parent or carer living in York with children from conception up to 19-years-old or up to 25-years-old if the child has Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and any practitioner working with families.
The service has overall responsibility for the Raise York website and works in partnership with colleagues across the local authority and external partners to ensure the information on the website and the childcare and Family Service Directory is accurate and up-to-date.
The Family Information Service has a statutory responsibility to ensure families have access to good quality information on services that may help benefit children, families and young people living in York.
The Family Information Service also works on the following:
- answers enquiries from members of the public and children's workforce on anything to do with family life in York
- maintains the Local Authority Disabled Register
- provides a newsletter issued at least once a term, aimed at parents and carers
- maintains the York Family Information Service social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)
- maintains the Ofsted Childcare database, and the Family Service Directory
- provides a childcare brokerage service to those families struggling to find childcare to meet their needs
- and more....
The Information Service is made up of a small team of Information Officers, who will answer queries from anyone wishing to access the service.
Since August 2021 the Information Service is part of the Communities and Prevention Service within the Customer and Communities directorate.
Contact us by:
- telephone: 01904 554444 (Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 4.00pm)
- email: [email protected]
- text telephone: 07786 202241
- use our contact us online form
You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up-to-date with all the latest family based 'need to know' information for York!
Read more about the Family Information Service and search for services online.
Young People
The Young People's Information Service is a free and impartial information service to any young person living in York up to 25-years and to practitioners working with young people.
The service:
- maintains the online Young People's Survival Guide and works with partners across York to ensure the information available on the Survival Guide is accurate and up-to-date
- answers enquiries from members of the public and children's workforce on anything to do with family life in York
- maintains the York Young People's Survival Guide Instagram account
- maintains the Ofsted Childcare database, and the Family Service Directory
- and more....
The Information Service is made up of a small team of Information Officers, who will answer queries from anyone wishing to access the service.
Since August 2021 the Information Service is part of the Communities and Prevention Service within the Customer and Communities directorate.
Contact us by:
- telephone: 01904 555400 (Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 4.00pm)
- email: [email protected]
- text telephone: 07786 202241
- use our contact us online form
You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up-to-date with all the latest family and young people based 'need to know' information for York!
Read more about the Young People's Survival Guide or search for services online.