We believe that all children and young people in York deserve the best start and the chance to thrive. Every family, child and young person should be able to get help...
Visit the Children's Centres family learning to view the services such as baby self weigh, midwifery, CYC Health Trainers and much more...
The York Family Information Service is a free and impartial information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 to 19 (or up to 25 years if your child has disabilities or additional needs).
Sign up to receive the FREE Families Mailer, covering useful information on family life and being a parent or carer in York.
We know that the first few years of a child’s life are critical to their lifelong learning and development. Parenting can be the most rewarding yet challenging job. By registering your child’s details with the Information Service you will receive customised information and advice that supports your child’s development from birth until they are ready for school.
Read more about how to provide feedback, the feedback we have received and what you said and what we did.