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Sign up to the Children, Young People and Family Service Directory

Sign up to add your service to the children, young people and family service directory

Complete this form if you offer a service, group or activity aimed at children, families and young people in York aged from conception to 19 years or up to 25 years if aimed at young people with disabilities and special educational needs.

By completing this form you are agreeing for details of your service/group/activity to be added to the Children, Young People and Families Service Directory. This directory is a shared resource across York and is used by City of York Council and partners to help people to understand what is available in York. Information is published on a range of websites and is available for re-use under an Open Government Licence.

We ask that you update your details with us at least once every six months. You will receive a prompt from us if your information hasn't been updated within the past 6 months.  You can update more often if you prefer and can do so by the following methods:

  • Updating online: You can quickly and easily update your details online by sign in to the Provider Portal
  • Call the Family Information Service on 01904 554444.
  • Email any changes to [email protected] 

Once you have submitted details of your service/group/activity we will review before it becomes a live entry in the Children, Young People and Families Service Directory. Once your record has been reviewed you will receive an email notification from York Family Information Service confirming your details and explaining how you can update details for this group/service online.