Your feedback
Your feedback
We always strive to ensure our service meets your needs and regularly ask for feedback from you, to help us continue to improve our service and ensure it meets the needs of children, families and young people.
In 2022, 100% of respondents to our Service Evaluation told us they thought our service was good or very good. Over the last 3 years our overall satisfaction rating is 95.8%
Below are some of the comments and feedback you have given to us and details of what we have done with your feedback.
Quick and easy support given. Advice is provided in a straightforward manner - telephone numbers, emails or websites provided.
Great response and useful and relevant info provided.
Thank you for what your team does for the children, parents and community of York as a whole. Please know what you do does not go unnoticed. You are appreciated.
What you sent was brilliantly helpful, so full of detail and options to try and I really appreciated it. Thank you again.
You said, we did
You said "it wasn't clear who I was contacting when I wanted to get in touch with another organisation."
We updated our Information Service ‘contact us page’ to make it clear that the website and contact information is to get in touch with the Information Service only. We have removed reference to other organisations to avoid confusion. Instead, families can contact us directly if they wish to locate contact information for other organisations or refer to our online services search facility.
You asked "where do I renew my max card?"
We have updated the MyFIS and MyFIS+ pages and used the phrase renew my max card which has replaced more ambiguous wording "continue to be part of the max card scheme."
You said "the Young People's web pages look boring and not very exciting."
During a consultation meeting with a group of young people about the Young People's website, it was mentioned that lack of images made the website boring. Images have been added and some have been updated, to make more relevant to the present day. The look and feel of the Young Person's website is an ongoing process and there is still further work to be done.