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Shared Foundation Partnerships

Shared Foundation Partnerships

These are defined as Early Years and Childcare Networks across the city made up of childminders, out of school clubs, playgroups, private nurseries and schools, with a focus on ensuring there are sufficient high quality and flexible Early Years and childcare places to meet demand.

Read the Shared Foundation Partnerships and members listing for 2022 to 2023.

Key themes

They meet at least 3 times a year to focus on building relationships between settings/schools to improve quality including:

  • transition
  • support for disadvantage groups
  • moderation
  • GLD - impact on provision
  • local national policy changes


Shared Foundation Partnerships are made up of a:

  • Partnership Chair - each Shared Foundation Partnership has an appointed Chair. The Chair gives clear and effective leadership and ensures the agreed shared vision remains central to the workings of the partnership. They should also support the continued focus on the key themes at each main meeting alongside implementation of the SFP Action Plan
  • Social Mobility Champion/Speech, Language and Communication Lead - it's recommended that each Shared Foundation Partnership identifies a champion from within their partnership, to give focus to closing the disadvantage gap in the Early Years and promoting the sharing of best practice. The role involves identifying and supporting disadvantaged groups and could be any member of the partnership, with a passion for work in this area
  • Partnership SENDCo - to ensure that Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are on the agenda of partnership meetings, to share information and good practice. Support focused discussions on Disability Access Fund (DAF), Deprivation Supplement, Learning Support Hub, Early Years Inclusion Funding (EYIF) and Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and how best practice can be shared
  • Early Years Lead - to focus on children's educational outcomes at all SFP meetings, promoting the sharing of good practice, learning and resources. Ensure links to the needs identified in the GLD and feeds into an accurate and purposeful transition process

Case studies

Read the following case studies about Shared Foundation Partnerships:


The partnerships have been the focus of independent research evaluations, looking at the stages of partnership development, the good features and proficiency of individual partnerships and 30 hours childcare.

They have also been taken as an example of Early Years System Leadership by the National College for Teaching and Leadership, following research by Professor Iram Siraj, University of London.

The partnerships have also been included as a case study for Hempsalls Childcare Works ‘What We know’ Report.'

For further information about City of York Shared Foundation Partnerships email: [email protected].

Useful documents

The following documents are very useful:

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