What happens in the first few years of a child’s life can shape their whole life.
For help and support the National Breastfeeding Helpline is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, on telephone: 0300 100 0212.
Breastfeeding and Breast milk
Find useful links for evidence-based information on infant feeding in addition to the NHS website:
- building a happy baby
- Department of Health 'Off to the best start’ - important information about feeding your baby is an information guide all about breastfeeding
- watch a video on hand expression
- expressing and storing breast milk
Information about breastfeeding positions and attachment can be found from:
- Unicef - Ineffective attachment
- Global Health breastfeeding video
- Global Health positions for breastfeeding video
In addition, watch the maximising breast milk video by Baby Friendly Initiative.
Find breastfeeding support
You can receive support from:
- Healthy Child Service
- Treasure Chest Breastfeeding Group York
- La Leche League GB who provide friendly breastfeeding support from pregnancy onwards
- The Breastfeeding Network
Milk Banks:
- UK association of milk banking
- Start4Life Breastfeeding Friend - message questions through Facebook or enable at Alexa Skill store
Breastfeeding and baby teeth
You can still breastfeed your baby, even if they have teeth.
La Leche League GB have information around breastfeeding your child when they have developed teeth. In addition, find information about breastfeeding and teething as well as baby biting.
Breastfeeding after returning to study or work
Find information around breastfeeding and going back to work.