Financial support for parents and carers
Financial support for parents and carers
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs and can be financially challenging too. Find out more here about what financial help is available to you. You'll also find information to support families with the cost of living here.
Find out more about:
- Early Help for families
- Cost of living financial support for families
- York Talk Money - worrying about money
- Reducing your outgoings
- Don't struggle alone
Early Help for families
Early Help is a way of describing the extra support a family can receive if they need it. Early help is all about providing the right support to children and families at the earliest possible time; it brings together workers who can support the whole family to try and improve things for everyone.
If you can't find what you're after, contact York Family Information Service by telephone: 01904 554444 or email: [email protected]. Alternatively, visit our online services search directory.
Cost of living financial support for families
Available benefits can include support with Free School Meals, help towards school uniform, council tax support, local housing allowance and housing benefit.
Find support available to you:
- Childcare Choices lists the different financial support available to families from toddlers to teens, to help with the cost of childcare
- Cost of Living support provides hints, tips, advice, support and much more. The cost of living crisis has made it more important than ever to start conversations about money. Talking about money helps us to be more financially confident, resilient and face whatever the future throws at us
- energy efficiency advice helps you to learn how to reduce the amount of money you spend on energy and create a warm, healthy home
- Healthy Start Scheme helps you to buy certain types of milk, infant formula, fruit and vegetables, if you're in receipt of certain benefits or if you're under 18 years old
- Help for Households sets out the different types of support there is available with the cost of living
- Help with Food across York. View community hubs and venues on the Community Food table
- Holiday Activities with Food is available to families in receipt of free school meals. Activities are free and are available during the Christmas, Easter and school summer holidays
- Household Support Fund - there are 2 routes to apply for the Household Support Fund:
- families who have dependent children and entitled to benefits based free school meals will have received a letter in November inviting them to apply. Those who have received a letter inviting them to apply for Household Support Fund need to complete their application by Thursday 5 January
- anyone not receiving this letter who is struggling can apply through the discretionary scheme
- NHS exemptions allows you to check if you’re eligible for free prescriptions or dental check-ups and treatment
- Sure Start Maternity Grant is for families who qualify, is a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of having a child
York Talk Money - worrying about money
The rise in cost of living is on everyone's mind. There are 3 key steps to make sure you are in the best place to meet the extra costs this winter:
- make sure you are getting all the financial support available
- use one of the free benefit checkers
- check the council’s website for local support schemes and the Household Support Fund (if you have received a letter inviting you to apply for the Household Support Fund please complete your application by Thursday 5 January)
A range of Holiday Activities with Food schemes will be available for children and young people during the Christmas, Easter and school Summer holidays.
Reducing your outgoings
Don’t spend more than you have to on your bills, such as mobile phones, broadband, insurance. York Talk Money provides cost of Living support.
See how you can save on your energy bills:
- use approved comparison websites
- talk to your existing suppliers about discounts and social tariffs
Don't struggle alone
If you're unsure or need assistance with the things above, there is help across the city from council services and other local organisations.
Find out how to contact the Benefits Advice Service and where there are community drop-ins across the city.
You can pick up a leaflet, ask at your local library, community centre or find information on community notice boards.