Registering to deliver funded entitlements for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds
Commonly asked questions about registering to deliver funded entitlements for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds
Find answers to commonly asked questions about registering to deliver funded entitlements for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds.
How should I deliver early education places?
See our patterns of take up for Early Years entitlements page.
Can a child claim at more than one provider?
Yes, children can claim their Early Education place at more than one provider. See the Department for Education statutory guidance and operational guidance documents for more information.
How do I claim Early Years Education Funding?
For each eligible child, a Parental Declaration Form must be completed by the child's parent or carer. For each newly eligible child, you'll also be required to check a copy of their birth certificate or passport. Find out more about the process for registering to deliver funded entitlements.
For each funding period you will be given 2 payments. An interim payment will be paid at the start of each term, based on the estimated number of Early Education hours that you submit on the online Provider Portal at the start of each term. The interim payment is calculated using 85% of this estimated number of hours. The balance payment is based on the total number of ‘actual hours’ that are taken at your setting during the term and will be made during the second half of the term.
How much is the Early Years Education funding worth to me as a provider?
Please refer to the most recent termly funding letter for current rates.
How will I be paid?
All new providers will be set up on the City of York Council accounting system. Payments will be paid into your nominated Bank or Building Society via BACS transfer.
How do I become a registered provider for the delivery of the Early Years Education places?
To become a registered provider:
- providers must meet the quality requirements as set out in the Department for Education Early education and childcare statutory guidance for local authorities:
- have a current Ofsted inspection judgement of ’satisfactory/requires improvement’, ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ to deliver early education places for 3- and 4-year-olds
- have a current Ofsted inspection judgement of ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ to deliver early education places for 2-year-olds
- new providers will be funded to deliver Early Education places for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds until their first full Ofsted inspection judgement is published
- to remain on the Directory of Early Years Providers settings must achieve at least a ‘requires improvement’ rating from their Ofsted inspection
- settings with a ‘requires improvement’ judgement will be required to take-up appropriate support, including active engagement in local authority support and acting on their recommendations
- settings with an ‘Inadequate’ judgement, will be required to show ‘rapid improvement’ through the local authority review process
You may also need to contact the following local authority departments:
- planning permission and building control - you can seek advice on planning permission from your local planning department. You must ensure that you obtain any necessary planning permission and that the local authority building control department is satisfied with the standard of any building work undertaken
- planning enquiries can be contacted by telephone: 01904 551553 or email: [email protected]
- building control cna be contacted by telephone: 01904 551354, telephone: 01904 551333 or email: [email protected]
- environmental health - you should seek advice from your local authority environmental health and public protection team to ensure that you are aware of, and comply with, your legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Food Safety Act 1990 and all associated legislation. For more information telephone: 01904 551525 or email: [email protected]
- fire safety - you can seek advice and general information on fire safety matters from your local fire authority. We may notify your local fire authority of your application. Your fire authority may then contact you to arrange an inspection. You will have to meet any recommendations made by your fire authority